BIP Template
For Professionals: Behavior Intervention Template

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[For Professionals]
As mentioned in the blog post, this Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP) template is created to make behavior plans user friendly by using everday language and creating a fun layout. Formally, a behavior plans ranges from 5-15 pages and are extremely thorough. However, use this 1-page template as a simplified version designed to be used in the moment with the child for parent, therapist, paraprofessionals and anyone who works closely with the child. They are made to look friendly and easy to read.
This document is available on Microsoft Word and Powerpoint. Included are 4 templates based on a video tutorial that can be seen here.
BIP Template (docx) - 2 single pages, two designs
BIP Template (pptx) - two pages, two designs
BIP Instructions (pdf) - how to customize your documents
7 - Signature Paradigm Behavior Picture Icons (jpg)
Our website and products are intended to offer information on ABA therapy and how certain therapies might be integrated into your home. However, the information contained in this document or related communications does not create a therapist-client relationship. If you have any questions regarding ABA therapy, please contact your BCBA or your therapy provider.