
Play Ideas Mini Course


Learn to come up with play ideas on the fly!

I get that it's sometimes hard to know what to say and do when playing with kids.

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This mini course is separated into 3 lessons. It’s equipped with real example videos and activities (“Let’s Play a Game”) to help you get a different perspective on play.

  • Lesson 1: “Motivation” - exploring the learner’s interests

  • Lesson 2: “It’s Worth It” - modeling play

  • Lesson 3: “Let’s Play a Game” - finding language opportunities

  • Bonus Materials: downloads to help you along the way


what’s inside.

+ 1 hour of webinar (recorded 9/9/2019), separated into 3 lessons

+ 3 real example videos from my sessions (before & after)

+ PDF: blank Play Script to complete during lessons

+ PDF: extra practice data sheets for staff training

+ 90 day access to recordings and materials